
16 Dec 2021

Getting a Solar Battery Rebate–Save on Power Bills in Victoria!


What is the solar battery rebate program?

In its ongoing effort to promote and support the widespread use of solar energy, Solar Victoria is awarding households in the state with a point-of-sale discount of up to $3,500.00 to install a solar battery.

To be eligible for this rebate program, applicants must first get in touch with an approved solar retailer, such as KDEC, to request a quote regarding the installation of solar batteries along with PV panels and other related systems. These systems must be included in Solar Victoria’s list of approved products.

Once approved, the solar retailer will claim the rebate on the applicant’s behalf. The rebate value will then be deducted from the total cost of the system and its installation. Any remaining outstanding balance will be handled by the applicant.

Am I eligible to receive a rebate?

In addition to residing in Victoria, applicants must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible for the solar battery rebate:

 The applicant is the owner/occupant of the property where the system will be installed

  • The applicant has not yet received a rebate through the Solar Homes Program
  • The property where the system will be installed has not yet participated in the Solar Homes Program
  • The value of the property is under $3 million according to the current council rates notice
  • The combined taxable income of all household members/occupants is less than $180,000 a year
  • The property doesn’t have an existing energy storage system
  • The property already has solar PV panels with a capacity of 5kW or greater or the owner of the property is arranging to have the panels installed along with a solar battery
  • The approval from the Distributed Network Service Provider regarding the connection of the solar battery to the grid has been obtained
  • The applicant agrees to receive information from the Distribution Network Service Provider about taking part in battery trials.

How we can help

As mentioned earlier, getting in touch with an approved solar retailer to arrange for the installation of a solar battery and other related components is one of the requirements in order to be eligible for Solar Victoria’s rebate program. This is where we come in.

KDEC is a community-focused family business based in Albury-Wodonga. In addition to electrical and data services, we also specialise in providing homes with practical and personalised solar solutions. We provide complete solar energy systems that are designed to help our clients save money on their energy bills.

Aside from solar battery storage solutions, we also have other solar products and systems, such as inverters, solar panels, and hot water diverters. Our installation service will ensure that your solar systems are working properly.

So, if you’re looking to make your home more sustainable by improving its energy consumption while benefiting from Solar Victoria’s rebate program, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to learn more about our solar solutions and services

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Licence Number: NSW 363462C | Vic 29085
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